Vabilo na mednarodno konferenco Resilient Entrepreneurship in Disruptive Times
Kot predsednik Uniapac Slovenije vas vljudno vabim na
mednarodno strokovno konferenco
Resilient Entrepreneurship in Disruptive Times,
ki bo v sredo, 9. oktobra, od 15. ure (zbiranje 14.45)
na Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije.
Slovenski in evropski strokovnjaki nam bodo predstavili poglede na odporno podjetništvo v nemirnem poslovnem času.
Prosimo vas, da svojo prisotnost potrdite do 7. oktobra 2024
na elektronski naslov
Tone Rode
UNIAPAC Slovenija
Resilient Entrepreneurship in Disruptive Times
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS)
October 9th, 2024
15.00 – 20.00
14:45 Gathering
15:00 Welcome address, Tone Rode, President UNIAPAC Slovenia
15:10 The future of EU businesses amid geopolitical challenges
dr. Sigrid Marz, President, UNIAPAC Europe
15:40 Slovenia’s business outlook – what needs to be done to catch up with the EU’s best
- Žiga Turk
16:10 Panel discussion
Panelists: dr. Sigrid Marz, dr. Žiga Turk
Moderator: dr. Matej Kovač
16:40 Coffee break & Networking
17:10 Sun Contract: Leading successful teams for fast growth
Gregor Novak
17:30 iProm: The benefit of a scoring system in business
Miloš Suša
17:50 Panel discussion: Why is business a noble vocation?
Panelists: Gregor Novak, Miloš Suša
Moderator: Neja Samar-Brenčič
18:10 UNIAPAC: Who we are and what we can do for the success of European Entrepreneurship
Rodrigo Whitelaw, Secretary General UNIAPAC International
18:30 Closing remarks: UNIAPAC Slovenia plans & activities 2024 – 2026, Tone Rode
18:45 Cocktails & Networking